With Garnet Lapis the phrase "Rainbow in a Bottle" could never be truer! This polish reminds me of an oil slick that reflects every colour in the spectrum! It is absolutely bewitching! I was mesmerised while I stared at my hands trying to determine just how many colours this beauty was going to reveal! I'm not sure I would have chosen the name Garnet Lapis for this polish due to the fact that red is not a particularly dominant colour within the polish, however it certainly is present. I took a million photos (alright, maybe not a
million...) in the attempt to capture each shade within this polish to show you its versatility. Quite a difficult task, I assure you! I managed to get a representation of the most dominant shades, but at the expense of clarity in many cases, and in some shots I look like a resident of Springfield! So ladies, please look beyond the flaws in my photography to see the beauty within the beast!
(Photo with bottle coming soon!)
This shade took three coats for complete opacity, but it was a smooth application!

Photographs taken in artificial light. This image illustrates the dominant teal aspect of the polish.

Photograph taken on an alternate angle to show the
Bright Cerulean within the polish

Photograph taken on an alternate angle to show the dominant azure within the polish

Photograph taken on an alternate angle to show the
ultramarine within the polish

Photograph taken on an alternate angle to show the
regalia purple within the polish

Photograph taken on an alternate angle to show the dominant
electric purple within the polish - but I didn't quite manage to capture the true shade. Instead I got a photo half-way between two of the shades that this polish displays -
electric purple and
Photograph taken on an alternate angle to show the
carmine red within the polish. It was difficult to capture this aspect of the polish, and this image was unfortunately the best I could manage. On the angles that the polish appears
carmine it also morphs into
russet and
Photograph taken on an alternate angle to show the duo-chrome effect of this polish. This image shows three distinct shades, but it is not uncommon to see up to
five shades at
one time!
I will be listing all the prisms I have available on
OZtion for any Australian ladies interested in owning one! I will also be offering them for trade on
MakeupAlley and in
Vibrant V's Petite Boutique in the near future for anyone, anywhere!