Mediterranean Bronze is a discontinued shade of the Mode Cosmetics collection, so if you like what you see and happen to find one - be sure to snap it up! I would be more inclined to call this shade a copper rather than a bronze, as there is a distinct pink hue present. Unfortunately this is another shade that my camera didn't like, so I'll do my best to explain what the true colour is like! The value of the shade is much like the picture below, but the hue is closer to the single nail close-up. I hope that helps! The lacquer is easy to work with, two coats were plenty for a dense, rich colour - just be careful of obvious brushstrokes in the metallic finish! I'm a fan of this shade - it's a shame it is becoming a rare one!

Photograph taken in artificial light

I will be listing a bottle of this shade on OZtion for any Australian ladies interested in owning one! I will also be offering it for trade on MakeupAlley in the near future for anyone, anywhere! For ladies outside of Australia who would like to buy a bottle, please email me and I will happily list one on eBay for you. If you have tried these links and Mediterranean Bronze is not available on any of these sites, please email me, and I will endeavour to source one for you.